9 Simple Ways to Insanely Speed up Your Website

9 Simple Ways to Insanely Speed up Your Website

For every second slower that your website loads, you will get 11% fewer page views, 16% less customer satisfaction and 7% loss in conversions and sales. Furthermore, your slow website could also hamper your SEO, user experience, engagement, brand reputation and Adwords quality score which means that you will be paying more than your faster loading competitors. So how fast is fast enough? 47% of consumers expect websites to load in two seconds or less and 40% will leave a website that takes longer than three seconds to load. In order to speed up your website, we have to checkout your current loading time which you can do with Pingdom. If you have not optimized your website for speed, chances are, you are in for a rude awakening. Not to worry – we will reveal some simple ways here to optimize the speed and performance of your WordPress website.