How to Remove a Website Hack

How to Remove a Website Hack

Having malicious code or spammy redirects on your WordPress website can cause Google to display “This site may be hacked” alert when someone searches for your website in Google. According to Forbes, 30,000 websites get hacked per day! To avoid losing traffic and being blacklisted, here is a step-by-step guide to help you remove the malware yourself.

Awesome Social Media Tips that Make You More Money

Awesome Social Media Tips that Make You More Money

According to Forbes, 78% of consumers say that social media posts influence their buying decisions. With 1.59 billion Facebook users, 305 million twitter users and tons of other social media platforms, if you are not active on social media to respond to your prospects, your competitors are which means that you will lose business to them. Whether you are a small, local operation or a global conglomerate, social media can help you build brand loyalty and relationships with your customers by sharing your company’s voice and personality with the rest of the world.